Lancement de la plateforme alimentée par l’IA de Nokia pour les applications de l’Industrie 4.0 au Mobile World Congress 2025

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
découvrez la nouvelle plateforme ia de nokia, lancée au mobile world congress 2025, qui révolutionne les applications de l'industrie 4.0. plongez dans l'avenir de l'innovation industrielle avec des solutions intelligentes et connectées.

At the Mobile World Congress 2025, Nokia makes a splash with the unveiling of a new platform powered by artificial intelligence AIOps, specifically designed to redefine applications for Industry 4.0. By integrating cutting-edge AI technologies, this platform aims to empower networks and optimize industrial processes. Industry partners, such as KDDI, SoftBank Corp, T-Mobile US, and NVIDIA, join this technological revolution, once again proving Nokia’s ability to push boundaries in digital transformation.

discover the new nokia platform powered by ai, dedicated to industry 4.0 applications, launched at the mobile world congress 2025. transform your business with innovative and high-performing solutions that revolutionize the way industries evolve in the digital age.

Nokia unveils a major technological advancement with its AI-powered platform

At the Mobile World Congress 2025, Nokia introduced its new AI-powered platform aimed at transforming applications for Industry 4.0. This innovation, developed in collaboration with renowned industry partners including KDDI, SoftBank Corp, and NVIDIA, seeks to provide businesses with advanced solutions for intelligent process automation. By focusing on the digital transition, this platform enables smooth integration into existing systems through an open API-driven architecture.

Artificial intelligence: a driver for industrial innovation

Nokia has always been at the forefront of network technology, and with this new platform, it solidifies its position as a leader. Utilizing AI to accelerate autonomous networks, the platform continuously analyzes network data to optimize performance and enhance the sustainability of operations. By partnering with giants like Nokia and its partners, Industry 4.0 truly fulfills its potential for growth and resilience.

Strategic partnerships and global development

The success of this initiative is largely attributable to the strategic partnerships established by Nokia with influential companies in the telecommunications and technology fields. In addition to technological contributions, these collaborations enable broad coverage of private 4/5G networks and ensure better accessibility to digital services. Nokia’s substantial investments, such as the 100 million euros allocated to expand data centers, bolster the digital infrastructure needed to support the growing demand for AI applications and cloud services.

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