Are you looking for a trusted partner in the plastics industry? Look no further! Sepro, a company established in Vendée, has established itself as a major player in the industry thanks to its recognized expertise. Exporting its know-how to all corners of the globe, Sepro positions itself as a true essential leader, ready to support you in your projects. Discover now the strengths and innovative solutions of this visionary company.
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ToggleSepro: A Global Leader in Plastic Automation
Based in Vendée, Sepro is a giant in the plastics industry and ranks second in the world as a machine manufacturer for this industry. With its skills, Sepro stands out as the world leader in Cartesian robots, essential equipment for handling plastic injection molding machines, just behind the Japanese company Yushin.
A Global Presence
With its 650 employees, including 450 in La Roche-sur-Yon, this family-owned medium-sized enterprise generates around 85% of its revenue, estimated at 125 million euros, outside of France. Sepro’s machines can be found in every country with a plastics industry, making the company a global player.
Strategic Diversification
Historically focused on the automotive industry, which still represents 40% of its activities, Sepro is seeking to diversify its markets. The company is targeting fast-growing sectors such as medical and cosmetics. This diversification allows Sepro to mitigate risks related to dependence on a single sector and to seize new growth opportunities.
Innovation and Automation
To strengthen its position, Sepro is investing heavily in automation of production lines. The company offers turnkey solutions, from granules to packaged finished products. This focus on complete automation allows meeting the growing needs for productivity and precision in plastic manufacturing.
International Hubs for Accelerated Growth
To support this automated activity, Sepro has established four strategically located “automation” hubs in France, China, the United States, and Germany. The company plans to increase its capabilities in Germany and also has sales branches in Spain and the United Kingdom, thus enhancing its international coverage.
Focus on Sustainable Development
Aware of environmental challenges, Sepro integrates sustainable development into its production processes. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting eco-responsible practices, demonstrating its commitment to a sustainable future.
Future Perspectives
With a well-defined strategy and a strong commitment to innovation and diversification, Sepro positions itself as a key player in the digital and ecological transformation of the plastics industry. The company continues to push the boundaries of technology, thus consolidating its status as a globally renowned medium-sized enterprise.
Un texte CAPITAL a été publié au JO de l'#UE. Si vous ne savez pas ce qu'est un "Passeport numérique de produit", vous allez en entendre parler à l'avenir. @JosephTayefeh dans son livre "Plastique bashing : L'intox ? " avait abordé publiquement le sujet. #ESPR…
— Plasturgie & Composites (@plasturgieweb) June 28, 2024