Starting of the first heavy rare earths plant outside of China in Lacq

General manufacturing industry
découvrez le lancement historique de la première usine de terres rares lourdes à lacq, marquant une avancée décisive pour l'europe dans la stratégie d'indépendance des ressources et la transition énergétique. cette implantation promet des innovations durables et un développement économique régional significatif.

The industrialization of the Lacq basin takes on a new dimension with the arrival of an ambitious project: the first heavy rare earth plant outside of China. The specialist in rare earths, CARESTER, has chosen this former gas site as the location for its industrial demonstrator dedicated to recycling and separating heavy rare earths, essential for electric mobility. In collaboration with Stellantis, this agreement strengthens CARESTER’s position in a sector where sovereignty and European independence are key issues.

discover the historic launch of the first heavy rare earth plant in Lacq, marking a turning point in the global industry and reducing dependence on China. learn more about this strategic advance and its implications for the economy and the environment.

Birth of a rare earth plant in Lacq

The establishment in Lacq of the first heavy rare earth plant outside of China marks a milestone in the industrial sector. This ambitious project, orchestrated by the company CARESTER, has chosen the Lacq basin for this crucial industrial demonstrator. This choice results from a competition among various territories and provides an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen Europe’s position in the rare earth supply chain. The partnership with Stellantis, providing more than 3,400 tons of rare earth oxides, reflects the strategic importance of this project.

A strategic site for industry

Lacq, with its infrastructure resources and industrial history, proves to be an ideal location for this innovative initiative. CARESTER’s Lyon subsidiary is building the first recycling and refining plant for rare earths on a former Total gas site. The project benefits from a financial support of 15 million euros from the State through France Relance, confirming the strategic value of this facility. This investment aims to increase national and European independence in rare earth production, particularly essential for the electric mobility sector.

International impact and upcoming challenges

The launch of this worldwide-scale plant also highlights the immense potential of rare earth resources. With competitors like Black Sea Metals Inc. and Neo also entering this race, Lacq positions itself as a pioneer in a sector previously dominated by China. The industrial ecosystem of Lacq thus fits into a strategy aimed at addressing the challenges of global economic sovereignty.

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Tags :
chine,factory,lacq,rare earths,startup
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