On October 16, an engaging webinar hosted by Emmanuel will present an in-depth analysis of the perception of the French towards Chinese car manufacturers. As they flood the European market with their technological advantages, the question of their resilience against European players has never been so crucial. Mechanics, repairers, and all automotive craftsmen receive support from the National Federation of Automobile to navigate this competitive landscape. While brands like BYD and MG Motor gain popularity, the impact of tariffs and the need for investments are becoming hot topics. This webinar will be an opportunity to explore these dynamics in depth and assess the implications for the future of the industry in France.
The webinar on October 16 explored the perception of the French towards Chinese car manufacturers. As these brands showcase their models in Paris, the question of the resilience of European players to this influx was at the heart of discussions. The session led by Emmanuel examined the implications of high tariffs that have affected Chinese companies’ confidence in Europe. Despite these obstacles, Chinese brands, armed with their technological advantages in areas like electric vehicles and CASE technologies, are advancing rapidly in the European market. Participants also highlighted the importance for the European Union to invest to cope with the rise of Chinese vehicles.
Table des matières
ToggleFrench perception: a major issue
What do the French really think of Chinese car manufacturers? This is a complex question, as answers can vary widely. The rise of Chinese cars in the European market is not without sparking certain debates. While some consumers express admiration for their technological advancements, others remain wary of the origin of the vehicles. This ambivalence provides fertile ground for a webinar that promises to shed light on this topic.
Current situation in the European market
Chinese manufacturers benefit from considerable technological advantages, emphasizing CASE technologies: connected, autonomous, shared, and electric. This technological leap has allowed some brands, such as BYD and MG Motor, to successfully establish themselves in France. However, this represents only a tiny fraction of the market. According to the Inovev agency, only 8% of electric vehicles sold in Europe in 2023 came from Chinese brands. High tariffs and the need to adapt to the European market complicate their expansion, but this does not hinder their ambition to conquer.
In this context, the Commissioner for Trade has warned about the speed at which Chinese brands are advancing technologically. This technological gap raises questions about the sustainability of European players in the face of this growing competition. The need for Europe to invest more in automotive innovation is becoming increasingly pressing.
Facilitating a harmonious adaptation
In the face of this rise, the Chinese conquest is not without challenges. Manufacturers also need to adapt to the specifics of the European market and manage cultural hesitations. All this while ensuring they do not compromise their brand image. The communication strategy adopted by these manufacturers could play a crucial role in their success on the old continent.
Selon une étude allemande, la perception du vieillissement évolue en fonction des générations.#vieillissement #allemagne #génération #perceptionhttps://t.co/46KVQkm2RZ
— Pourquoi Docteur (@Pourquoidocteur) April 25, 2024